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Dēśēra pratiṭi i'uniẏanēra ēkhatiẏārādhīna ēlākāẏa katipaẏa birōdha ō bibādēra sahaja ō druta niṣpattira lakṣyē grāma ādālata gaṭhanakalpē praṇīta ā'ina
yēhētu dēśēra pratiṭi i'uniẏanēra ēkhatiẏārādhīna ēlākāẏa katipaẏa birōdha ō bibādēra sahaja ō druta niṣpattira lakṣyē grāma ādālata gaṭhana ēbaṁ ētadsaṅkrānta biṣaẏābalī
samparkē bidhāna karā samīcīna ō praẏōjanīẏa;
saṅkṣipta śirōnāma, prabartana ō praẏōgaḥ
1(1) ē'i ā'ina grāma ādālata ā'ina, 2006 nāmē abhihita ha'ibē
(2) ihā abilambē kāryakara ha'ibē
(3) ihā kēbalamātra i'uniẏanēra ēkhatiẏārabhukta ēlākāẏa prayōjya ha'ibē
2 biṣaẏa bā prasaṅgēra paripanthī kōna kichu nā thākilē, ē'i ā'inē-
(ka) “āmalayōgya aparādha” artha phaujadārī kāryabidhitē san̄jñāẏita Cognizable Offence;
(kha) “i'uniẏana” artha The Local Government (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LI of 1983) ēra section 2 ēra clause (26) ē san̄jñāẏita i'uniẏana;
(ga) “i'uniẏana pariṣada” artha The Local Government (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LI of 1983) ēra section 2 ēra clause (27) ē san̄jñāẏita i'uniẏana pariṣada;
(gha) “ēkhatiẏārasampannna sahakārī jaja” artha yē sahakārī jajēra ēkhatiẏārabhukta sīmānāra madhyē sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏanaṭi abasthita sē'i sahakārī jaja ēbaṁ yēkṣētrē anurūpa ēkhatiẏārasampanna ēkādhika sahakārī jaja rahiẏāchēna sē'ikṣētrē anurūpa kaniṣṭhatama sahakārī jaja;
(ṅa) “grāma ādālata” artha dhārā 5 ēra adhīna gaṭhita grāma ādālata;
(ca) “cēẏāramyāna” artha grāma ādālatēra cēẏāramyāna;
(cha) “taphasila” artha ē'i ā'inēra taphasila;
(ja) “daṇḍabidhi” artha Penal Code, 1860 (Act No. XLV of 1860);
(jha) “dē'ōẏānī kāryabidhi” artha Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act No. V of 1908);
(ña) “nirdhārita” artha bidhi dbārā nirdhārita;
(ṭa) “pakṣa” arthē ēmana kōna byakti antarbhukta ha'ibē, yāhāra upasthiti kōna bibādēra saṭhika mīmānsāra jan'ya praẏōjanīẏa baliẏā bibēcita haẏa, ēbaṁ grāma ādālata yāhākē anurūpa bibādēra ēkaṭi pakṣa hisābē sanyukta karē;
(ṭha) “phaujadārī kāryabidhi” artha Code of Criminal Proecedure, 1898 (Act No. V of 1898);
(ḍa) “bidhi” artha ē'i ā'inē adhīna praṇīta bidhi;
(ḍha) “sid'dhānta” artha grāma ādālatēra kōna sid'dhānta
grāma ādālata kartr̥ka bicārayōgya māmalāḥ
3 (1) phaujadārī kāryabidhi ēbaṁ dē'ōẏānī kāryabidhitē yāhā kichu'i thākuka nā kēna taphasilēra prathama anśē barṇita biṣaẏābalī samparkita phaujadārī māmalā ēbaṁ dbitīẏa anśē barṇita biṣaẏābalī samparkita dē'ōẏānī māmalā, ataḥpara bhinna rakama bidhāna nā thākilē, grāma ādālata kartr̥ka bicārayōgya ha'ibē ēbaṁ kōna phaujadārī bā dē'ōẏānī ādālatēra anurūpa kōna māmalā bā mōkaddamāra bicāra karibāra ēkhatiẏāra thākibē nā
(2) grāma ādālata kartr̥ka taphasilēra prathama anśē barṇita kōna aparādhēra sahita samparkita kōna māmalā bicārya ha'ibē nā yadi ukta māmalāẏa āmalayōgya kōna aparādhēra dāẏē kōna byakti dōṣī sābyasta ha'iẏā itōpūrbē grāma ādalata kartr̥ka daṇḍaprāpta ha'iẏā thākēna, athabā taphasilēra dbitīẏa anśē barṇita biṣaẏābalīra sahita samparkita kōna māmalā'ō grāma ādālata kartr̥ka bicārya ha'ibē nā, yadi-
(ka) ukta māmalāẏa kōna nābālakēra sbārtha jaṛita thākē;
(kha) bibādēra pakṣagaṇēra madhyē sampādita kōna cuktitē sāliśēra bā birōdha niṣpattira bidhāna thākē;
(ga) sarakāra bā sthānīẏa kartr̥pakṣa bā kartabya pālanarata kōna sarakārī karmacārī ukta bibādēra kōna pakṣa haẏa
(3) yē sthābara sampattira dakhala arpana karibāra jan'ya grāma ādālata kartr̥ka ādēśa pradāna karā ha'iẏāchē, ai sthābara sampattitē sbatba pratiṣṭhā karibāra jan'ya bā uhāra dakhala punarud'dhārēra jan'ya kōna mōkaddamā bā kāryadhārāra kṣētrē upa-dhārā (1) ēra bidhānābalī prayōjya ha'ibē nā
grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra ābēdanaḥ
4 (1) yēkṣētrē ē'i ā'inēra adhīna kōna māmalā grāma ādālata kartr̥ka bicārayōgya haya sē'ikṣētrē birōdhēra yē kōna pakṣa ukta māmalā bicārēra nimitta grāma ādālata gaṭhanēra jan'ya sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyānēra nikaṭa, nirdhārita pad'dhatitē, ābēdana karitē pāribēna ēbaṁ i'uniẏana pariṣada cēẏāramyāna, likhita kāraṇa darśā'iẏā ukta ābēdanaṭi nākaca nā karilē, nirdhārita pad'dhatitē, ēkaṭi grāma ādālata gaṭhana karibāra udyōga grahaṇa karibēna
(2) upa-dhārā (1) adhīna ābēdana nāmañjurēra ādēśa dbārā saṅkṣubdha byakti ādēśēra birud'dhē, nirdhārita pad'dhatitē ō nirdhārita samaẏēra madhyē, ēkhatiẏārasampanna sahakārī jaja ādālatē ribhiśana karitē pāribēna
grāma ādālata gaṭhana, ityādiḥ
5 (1) ēkajana cēẏāramyāna ēbaṁ ubhaẏapakṣa kartr̥ka manōnīta du'ijana kariẏā mōṭa cārajana sadasya la'iẏā grāma ādālata gaṭhita ha'ibēḥ
tabē śarta thākē yē, pratyēka pakṣa kartr̥ka manōnīta du'ijana sadasyēra madhyē ēkajana sadasyakē sanśliṣṭa i'uniẏana pariṣadēra sadasya ha'itē ha'ibē
(2) i'uniẏana pariṣadēra cēẏāramyāna grāma ādālatēra cēẏāramyyana ha'ibēna, tabē yēkṣētrē tini kōna kāraṇabaśataḥ cēẏāramyāna hisābē dāẏitba pālana karitē asamartha hana kimbā tām̐hāra nirapēkṣatā samparkē kōna pakṣa kartr̥ka praśna ut'thāpita haẏa sē'ikṣētrē, nirdhārita pad'dhatitē, upa-dhārā (1) ē ullikhita sadasya byatīta ukta i'uniẏana pariṣadēra an'ya kōna sadasya grāma ādālatēra cēẏāramyāna ha'ibēna
(3) bibādēra kōna pakṣē yadi ēkādhika byakti thākēna, tabē cēẏāramyāna ukta pakṣabhukta byaktigaṇakē tāhādēra pakṣēra jan'ya du'ijana sadasya manōnīta karitē āhbāna jānā'ibēna ēbaṁ yadi tām̐hārā anurūpa manōnaẏanadānē byartha hana tabē tini ukta byaktigaṇēra madhyē ha'itē yē kōna ēkajanakē sadasya manōnaẏana karibāra jan'ya kṣamatā pradāna karibēna ēbaṁ tadānuyāẏī anurūpa kṣamatāprāpta byakti sadasya manōnaẏana karibēna
(4) upa-dhārā (1) ē yāhā kichu'i thākuka nā kēna bibādēra kōna pakṣa cēẏāramyānēra anumati la'iẏā i'uniẏana pariṣada sadasyēra paribartē an'ya kōna byaktikē grāma ādālatēra sadasya hisābē manōnīta karitē pāribē
(5) ē'i dhārāra an'yān'ya bidhānē yāhā kichu'i thākuka nā kēna, yadi nirdhārita samaẏēra madhyē sadasya manōnīta karā sambhaba nā haẏa, tabē anurūpa sadasya byatirēkē'i grāma ādālata gaṭhita ha'ibē ēbaṁ uhā baidhabhābē uhāra
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Laws made for the resolution of village courts for easy and speedy settlement of certain disputes and disputes in the jurisdiction of each union of the country.
Since the establishment of village courts and related matters for the easy and speedy settlement of certain disputes and disputes in the jurisdiction of every union of the country
Provision is necessary and necessary;
Short title, introduction and application:
1. (1) This law shall be called the Village Court of Law, 2006.
(2) It shall be effective immediately.
(3) It shall apply only to the jurisdiction of the Union.
2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context-
(A) "amendable offense" means the Cognizable Offence defined in the Criminal Code;
(B) "union" means the union defined in clause (26) of section 2 of the Local Government (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LI of 1983);
(C) "Union Parishad" means the Union Parishad defined in clause (27) of section 2 of the Local Government (Union Parishads) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LI of 1983);
(D) "Assistant Judge of Jurisdiction" means that the Assistant Judge located in the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction of the Assistant Judge, and in which case, there are several Assistant Judges who have similar jurisdiction; similarly, the junior assistant judge;
(E) "village court" means a village court constituted under section 5;
(F) "Chairman" means the chairman of the village court;
(G) "schedule" means the schedule of this Act;
(H) "Penal Code" means Penal Code, 1860 (Act No. XLV of 1860);
(I) "Civil procedure" means the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act No. V of 1908);
(J) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules;
(K) "party" shall include a person whose presence is considered to be necessary for the correct resolution of a dispute, and the village court which connects itself to a party of similar dispute;
(L) "Criminal Procedure" means Code of Criminal Proecedure, 1898 (Act No. V of 1898);
(D) "Rule" means the rules made under this Act;
(N) "decision" means no decision of the village court.
Judicial case by the village court
3. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure, the civil cases related to the matters relating to the matters mentioned in the first part of the schedule and the civil cases related to the matters mentioned in the second part, unless there is a different order, the village will be judged by the court and no criminal or civil court There will be no jurisdiction to prosecute the case or suit.
(2) No case related to any offense described in the first part of the schedule by the village court shall be decided if a person has been convicted by a village court before being found guilty of any criminal offense in that case, or any case related to the matters mentioned in the second part of the schedule The court shall not be judged, if-
(A) the interests of a minor in that case;
(B) There is a provision to settle arbitration or dispute in any contract made between the parties of dispute;
(C) Any government employee acting in government or local authority or duty is a party to the dispute.
(3) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply in case of any litigation or proceeding for the establishment of possession or possession of the immoveable property, which has been passed by the village court for the possession of immovable property.
Application for formation of village court
4. (1) Where a suit under this Act is to be judged by the village court, then any party of the dispute can apply to the concerned Union Parishad chairman in the prescribed manner for the formation of a village court for the trial, and the chairman of the Union Parishad may reject the application due to written reasons. If not, in the prescribed manner, the initiative to form a village court Will.
(2) A person may revoke an appeal by the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction, in the prescribed manner and within the stipulated time, by the order of disallowing the appeal under sub-section (1).
Village court structure, etc.
5. (1) A village court will be formed by taking a total of four members, by nominating a chairman and two nominated by both parties.
Provided that one member of each member nominated by each party shall be a member of the Union Parishad concerned.
(2) The Chairman of the Union Parishad shall be the chairmanship of the village court, but in case he is unable to perform the duties as a Chairman for any reason, or if a question is raised by a party about his neutrality, in the prescribed manner, without any member mentioned in sub-section (1) Any other member of the council shall be the chairman of the village court.
(3) In case of a dispute if there are more than one person, then the Chairman shall call upon those party members to nominate two members for their party and if they fail to make such nomination, then he shall give any person the power to nominate a member of the person and accordingly The nominee will nominate a member.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), a party in the dispute can nominate any other person as a member of the village court instead of the chairman of the union council.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the other provisions of this section, if it is not possible to nominate a member within the prescribed time, the village court shall be constituted without any such member and it is legally in force.